Rectory Road, Colchester, Essex CO5 7HR

01206 728517 Lisa Oliver

St Lawrence Church Of England Primary School

Celebrating each other and the journey we share


Following our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools on 17th January 2020 we are delighted to inform you that the school was judged to be GOOD overall with the impact of our Collective Worship judged to be EXCELLENT.  Attached is a copy of the final report for you to read in detail. 

The process itself was very rigorous and with time spent reviewing a considerable amount of paperwork; interviewing groups of parents, pupils, governors, local parishioners and staff. 

We are particularly proud that our inspector, Mrs L’Estrange, identified that at St Lawrence we:

‘are passionate about creating an inclusive community, where everyone feels valued and respected.’

We were also pleased that she noted:

‘Relationships are a key strength.’

‘Pupils’ character development is good and that they are well prepared for the future.’

Pupils have a strong sense of equality and challenge social injustice. This is shown through their interactions with each other and with adults in school.’

‘Pupils are supported to behave extremely well.’Parents, pupils and staff speak positively about how any challenges or difficulties are dealt with swiftly and how responses are shaped by the school’s vision and values.’

When evaluating our curriculum she identified:

Creative ways are used to encourage pupils to enjoy RE.’

Lessons provide experiences that develop knowledge of Christianity and a range of world faiths and beliefs.’

Pupils feel safe to discuss religious and spiritual ideas, knowing their views are valued.

Lessons develop pupils’ thinking and reasoning skills and provide opportunities to reflect on ‘big’ questions.

  When judging Collective Worship she commented that:

Collective worship is a treasured and integral part of the school day, illustrating the focus of the vision on Christian community.’

Worship is totally inclusive and engaging, with all showing exemplary value and a deep care for each other.’

‘Exemplary provision inspires pupils to see faith as a gift and a journey.’

The school’s initiative of ‘Prayer Circles’ is innovative and highly enjoyed and valued by all.’

The breadth of worship experiences inspires pupils to feel confident to lead worship for their peers with exceptional eagerness and creativity.’

The report makes for wonderful reading and is a credit to the school and the whole community.  The process has given us lots of ‘food for thought’ on how to improve our school further.  We look forward to developing our Christian distinctiveness still further.

We can all be very proud of our wonderful children, staff, governors, parents and our genuinely loving village community.